How to Use Flash fill | How to concat from Flash fill

Why Net Sale value(=MRP*NET QTY) calculate in Base raw file Not using pivot Calculate field

Why Net Sale value(=MRP*NET QTY)  calculate in Base raw file , Not using pivot Calculate field

Because:- Pivot first sum all mrp then sum all net qty and then multiply MRP*NET QTY

Below Example



Why use Pivot table Calculate field for Sell thru | How to Calculate Sell thru in Pivot table

 Why use Pivot table Calculate field for Sell thru | How to Calculate Sell thru in Pivot table

Note:- Pivot table working on Sum of total .

when using  base file sell thru column in pivot  . pivot  sum of sell thru . pivot not divided (Net sale/ Net Rec)

So , using calculate field in pivot and using function = Net sale/Net recived

Below Example: 

Below pivot summary in pivot Raw File ST Sum and Calculate field ST divided 
Calculated field right output

ET_03 How to Auto Sum In Excel | Auto sum Shortcut key (Alt++)

 How to Auto Sum In Excel | Auto sum Shortcut key (Alt++)
Column B7 Press Alt ++

Column G12 Press Alt ++

ET_02 Extra space replace single space in MS Word

 How to Extra space replace single space in MS Word

Open MS Word 

Press CTRL +H (open Find Replace Box)
Step-2 Find what  ^w
Step 3 Replace with   (single space)

ET_01 Replace text next line (Enter) | Replace Text Next paragraph

How To Replace text Next line 

 Step 1- Open Ms Word / Note Pad and Press Ctrl + H ( Open find Replace Text box)

Help Note:- ^p using for next line.

Different in Sum/Subtotal(9,Range) and Subtotal(109,Range) | How to use Sum and Subtotal

 Different in Sum/Subtotal(9,Range) and Subtotal(109,Range)

Sum- Using for normal range sum
Subtotal(9,Range):- Using for Filter value sum.
Subtotal(109,Range):-Using for hide value  sum(Sum only visible value). Hide value not sum.

Below image Explain Formulas

Below In normal table result

Unfilter 7 below Table (Hide 7 )
Note:- Subtotal(109  not sum hide value

Filter 7 qty in Qty  from below table
In Filter Subtotal (9 and Subtotal 109 is Same working.

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